Session Elders
Session | Role of Elder
What is the Session?
The Session is the body of men who are elected by church members, spiritually gifted, called and trained to lead the church through the two roles of elder: shepherding and overseeing. The elders, along with the senior pastor, collectively comprise the Session and are charged with the government and spiritual oversight of the church.
What are the responsibilities of an elder?
Shepherding of the congregation: In Acts 20:28 in the Apostle Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders he tells them to, “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers” and Peter writes to the elders in 1 Peter 5:2: “Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care.” Overseer means to direct, but also to look over, to inspect as a part of shepherding. Shepherding also includes teaching, encouraging, praying, admitting new members, ensuring faithful Biblical instruction, and when necessary, disciplining. Elders shepherd and keep watch on behalf of our great Shepherd, the Lord Jesus.
Overseeing the ministry of the church: In 1 Timothy 5:17 Paul refers to the elders who “direct the affairs of the Church.” Elders are stewards of God, managers of God’s household. In this role, elders oversee the long-term vision of the church. Though not performing the day-to-day roles of each ministry, the elders are responsible for tracking all the ministries and making sure their plans and activities are in alignment with the vision of the church as a whole. Elders also represent our church in official meetings of the denomination.