Hope for New York
New Yorkers are busy, but even with the limited time you have, you can still make an impact, serving at any level with Hope for New York (HFNY), our mercy and justice ministry partner. HFNY provides funding, training and resources to 60 non-profit partners so that all New Yorkers can experience spiritual, social, and economic flourishing. See the many ways below of how you can join this work of renewal and restoration.
Get to know HFNY
HFNY Affiliates
HFNY provides funding, training and resources to 60 non-profit partners so that all New Yorkers can experience spiritual, social, and economic flourishing. Search by the population you wish to serve, neighborhood, date, or keywords to find the best fit for your availability and gifting. You’ll get a snapshot of the organization, its needs, and the process for volunteering.
Start your search
His Toy Store
His Toy Store is a Christmas outreach that provides toys to families in need. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Hope for New York has reimagined this annual outreach to give grants directly to their affiliates. Instead of filling pop-up stores with toys, these funds provide more families with basic needs, such as food and groceries, in addition to toys.
Spread Christmas joy
Don't Walk By
Don't Walk By is an annual winter outreach to our neighbors surviving on the street hosted by Hope for New York and Rescue Alliance and put into practice the parable of the Good Samaritan. Volunteers canvass the streets of Manhattan, meet individuals experiencing homelessness, and invite them to a host site where guests are offered a hot meal, clothing, basic medical care, and connection to ongoing support.
Practice hospitality
Stories of gospel renewal and transformation
Christ's resurrection reminds us of God's power to heal and restore our whole being, body as well as soul and spirit. Every Easter, we celebrate his active and present work within our lives and city through stories of hope from Hope for New York's affiliate clients. Be encouraged by the incredible ways these organizations are helping their clients make holistic life changes, and support their work through our annual almsgiving: Easter Sacrificial Offering.
Witness hope