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Classes and Seminars

We live in a time of unprecedented access to books, online classes, and podcasts from experts and thought leaders on any topic. While this is exciting, we know we weren’t made to go it alone. We want to engage with others as we learn, especially when it comes to our faith.

At Redeemer East Side, we offer a range of classes designed to help you grow spiritually as you connect with others. These classes are taught by Redeemer pastors and staff who are passionate about equipping you to follow Christ’s call where you live, work, and love. We hope to see you in class soon!

Schedule | Class Descriptions


Intro to Spiritual Formation Sun, Aug 4, Oct 6, Dec 1
Intro to Redeemer East Side Sun, Nov 3
Neighborhood Advocate Cohort Sept-Dec
Faith & Work 101 Mon, Mar 3-31

Class Descriptions

Ongoing Classes

Intro to Spiritual Formation
| Select days: Aug 4, Oct 6, and Dec 1 at Temple Israel, Room 405
At Redeemer East Side, we believe that the gospel makes its way deeper into our hearts and transforms our lives through the ordinary practices we engage in, the community we embrace, and by living out the callings God has given us. This core seminar will be offered periodically during the year to deepen your understanding of spiritual formation.

Intro to Redeemer East Side
Register | Select days: Nov 3 at Temple Israel, Room 405
Learn how you can get plugged into the Redeemer East Side community. In this seminar, learn about the mission and vision of Redeemer East Side, and how you, with your unique gifting and experience, can join in the vision of our church and the mission of God wherever you live, work and love. This core seminar will be offered periodically during the year.

2024-25 Classes

Neighborhood Advocate Cohort
| 12 weeks, September-December
Put what you know about loving your neighbor into action through this 12-week cohort that promotes change through worship, discussion and action. Participants will work together to build mutual relationships, serve justly, and bring the hope of Christ with neighbors nearby and in need. View tentative syllabus (dates are subject to change).

Faith & Work 101
Register | Mondays, March 3-31 at W83 Ministry Center
This introductory 5-week cross-vocational course is designed to challenge you to take an in-depth look at your particular work through the lens of the gospel. We will focus on tracing the story of the Bible to gain insight into God’s intention for our work, weaving together weekly teachings, spiritual practices, daily devotionals, and group discussions.

Redeemer Counseling Services Groups

Renewal Groups
Register | At Redeemer Counseling Services (RCS), Renewal Groups combine gospel-centered, biblical truth with some of the best tools from counseling psychology. Each Renewal Group is made up of six to eight people and a professional counselor focusing on a particular area of healing and growth. This fall, RCS offers:

The counselor guides the group through regular times of sharing, interaction, building new skills, and learning. If you are struggling financially to get counseling, please reach out to a deek.