Classes and Seminars
We live in a time of unprecedented access to books, online classes, and podcasts from experts and thought leaders on any topic. While this is exciting, we know we weren’t made to go it alone. We want to engage with others as we learn, especially when it comes to our faith.
At Redeemer East Side, we offer a range of classes designed to help you grow spiritually as you connect with others. These classes are taught by Redeemer pastors and staff who are passionate about equipping you to follow Christ’s call where you live, work, and love. We hope to see you in class soon!
Schedule | Class Descriptions
Welcome to Redeemer East Side | Sun, Mar 9 & 16; Sun, May 11 & 18; Sun, Jul 20 & 27 |
CG Basics | Sun, Mar 30 |
Faith & Work 101 | Mon, Mar 3-31 |
Developing Your Child's Scripture Practice | Sun, Mar 9 |
Midweek Class: Foundations of Biblical Justice | Thurs, May 22-June 5 |
Class Descriptions
Ongoing Classes
Welcome to Redeemer East Side
Register | Sunday, March 9 & 16; Sunday, May 11 & 18; Sunday, July 20 & 27
This seminar is designed to provide you with information about Redeemer Presbyterian Church East Side and to enable you to take the first steps toward becoming a member of our church. In this class we hope to answer common questions about:
- What it means to trust and follow Jesus
- How to grow as a Christian
- How to get the most out of church involvement
- What it means to be a member of Redeemer East Side
2024-25 Classes
Faith & Work 101
Register | Mondays, March 3-31 at Redeemer East Side
This introductory 5-week cross-vocational course is designed to challenge you to take an in-depth look at your particular work through the lens of the gospel. We will focus on tracing the story of the Bible to gain insight into God’s intention for our work, weaving together weekly teachings, spiritual practices, daily devotionals, and group discussions.
Developing Your Child's Scripture Practice
Register | Sunday, March 9 at Redeemer East Side
As parents, we all pray that our children will love God's law and meditate on it daily. But how do we build a love of scripture into our kids' busy daily lives? Come explore practical steps and resources to entice your kids to begin a lifelong journey in God's word. Children's programming, light breakfast, and coffee provided.
Community Group Basics
Register | Sunday, March 30 at Redeemer East Side
If you are not currently in a Community Group or Collective, we want to help you cultivate friendships, be transformed, and learn to live out the truth of the gospel where you live, work, and love by connecting you into a Community Group at Redeemer East Side. Community Group Basics is a class that helps us to do that. Join us on Sunday, March 30 to learn the philosophy of groups, receive training and resources for healthy group life, and meet your fellow group members.
Midweek Class: Foundations of Biblical Justice
Register | Thursdays, May 22-June 5 at Redeemer East Side
Scripture is filled with commands to do justice and love one's neighbor. But what does this mean? What are the necessary tenets to everyday Biblical obedience in our own home of New York City? Come learn with your fellow congregants big-picture takeaways from scripture, and how to understand the practicalities and implications of being a Christian neighbor.
Redeemer Counseling Services Groups
Renewal Groups
Register | At Redeemer Counseling Services (RCS), Renewal Groups combine gospel-centered, biblical truth with some of the best tools from counseling psychology. Each Renewal Group is made up of six to eight people and a professional counselor focusing on a particular area of healing and growth. This winter, RCS offers:
- Emotional Peace and Strength 24 weeks starting January 9
- Your Asian American Journey 10 weeks starting mid February
The counselor guides the group through regular times of sharing, interaction, building new skills, and learning. If you are struggling financially to get counseling, please reach out to the Diaconate.