ES Vacation Bible School 2023
July 13, 2023 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
What: This year's theme is Stellar. Through worship, Bible stories, sensory activities, recreation and more, children will explore how Jesus shined hope, love, forgiveness, and joy to the world — and how we can do the same with his power!
When: Monday, July 10 to Friday, July 14, from 9:30am to 12:30pm
Where: Temple Israel, 112 E. 75th Street
Who: All children 4 years (by Dec 31, 2023, no exceptions) to rising fifth graders. Please note: only 18 preschool AND Kindergarten children will be allowed to register this year.
Registration: Please register each child HERE.
Volunteering: We need 16 Crew Leaders and volunteers to help with recreation, crafts, music, snacks and setup and cleanup. We ask all parents of kids attending VBS to volunteer at least one day during the VBS week or at setup/tear down. Parents and congregation members can sign up to volunteer HERE.
Youth Volunteers: High School and Middle School students who volunteer will be assigned in various areas to help lead the children through each area of VBS. They will help with preparations before VBS each day and participate alongside the children to guide them. After VBS, students will serve our neighbors (what we call "City Serve") by working with Hope for New York (HFNY) affiliate ministries to care for those in need. Register students to volunteer HERE.