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Overview | Neighborhood | Work | Relationships

“I chose you and put you in the world to bear fruit–fruit that won’t spoil.'" — John 15:16

What is a Calling?

Callings are Jesus’ invitation to follow him into our workplaces, neighborhoods, and relationships as people of peace. Living out hope, renewal and justice with the people and places around us is one part of a Christian’s spiritual formation.

The callings are woven together with the Practices of PEACE and cross cultural gospel community to fill us with the character and mission of Jesus. Together they form a whole, vital life.

How Do I Begin?

  1. Grow in your understanding of your Place of Calling by using this worksheet
  2. Use the Callings Guidebook to discern whether you are being led to focus on your neighborhood, workplace or a particular set of relationships.
  3. Join with others in mission (Community Groups, Collectives or the church at large).

Focus on a Calling


We are sent into the Neighborhoods in which we are rooted, to love people where they are, serve the community and seek justice for all who are nearby and those in need.

  • Attend Foundations of Biblical Justice starting May 22 to understand the practicalities and implications of being a Christian neighbor
  • Discuss with a Community Group the Authentic Neighbor series (CG members, log into your account and click on the "Neighborhood" category)

Contact Iain Coston. He’d love to hear what you are thinking about Neighborhood.


We are sent into our workplaces to pursue justice, serve others, and bring cultural renewal.

  • Attend a Gotham Info Session on March 30 to learn more about the Gotham Fellowship, a nine-month learning community
  • Apply for the Gotham Fellowship by April 30 (scholarships available)
  • Discuss with a Community Group the Authentic Work series (CG members, log into your account and click on the "Work & Culture" category)

Contact [email protected]. We’d love to hear what you are thinking about Work.


We are sent into every relationship—family and friends—for evangelism, reconciliation, and love.

  • Attend the Premarital Seminar on March 1 if you're getting married or just considering it
  • Discuss with a Community Group the Authentic Relationships series (CG members, log into your account and click on the "Relationships" category)

Contact David Ellis. He’d love to hear what you are thinking about Relationships.