Practices of Peace

Transformed Together
Overview | Pause | Eat | Ask | Commune | Examine
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." — Matthew 11:28-30
Practices of PEACE
Overview | Pause | Eat | Ask | Commune | Examine
Welcome to the Practices of PEACE, five practices, Pause, Eat, Ask, Commune, Examine, that are the markers of the Redeemer East Side Community. We want all of us to transform together through opening up space for God’s peace and purposes through these practices. Then, filled with the peace of Christ, we pass his PEACE to the people and places where we live, work and love.
Transform together by building the Practices of PEACE into the flow of your daily life and experience purpose and peace through the gospel. The following crucial offerings will aid you:
(1) The PEACE Guidebook is an interactive booklet with daily habits, space for reflection, and other activities to engage with the Practices of PEACE.
(2) Worksheet with reflection questions and ways to get started.
(3) Pass the PEACE by committing to a Hope for New York affiliate.
(4) Community Groups will build the Practices of PEACE together.
The practices we keep, the community we are rooted in and the callings we live out in the city are a means of grace that form us in the character of Jesus. To go further with each practices, use the resources below.

PAUSE – One day each week we Pause from our labors so that we can delight in Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30).
Essential OfferingPEACE: An Invitation to Pause | Speaker Event with Author and Pastor Rich Villodas |
Additional Resources

EAT – When we Eat with others, we reflect the joyful hospitality of Jesus, elevating ordinary actions into an expression of Christ’s restorative kingdom (Mark 2:16-17).
Essential OfferingPEACE: An Invitation to Eat | Speaker Event with Food Personality Aarti Sequeira |
Additional Resources

ASK – We Ask questions the way Jesus did, with a curious and compassionate posture, to spark rich, authentic spiritual conversations (Genesis 3:9).
Essential OfferingPEACE: An Invitation to Ask | Speaker Event with Pastor and Podcaster Rasool Berry |
Additional Resources

COMMUNE – We Commune with at least two other Christians, committing to a small community that shares the mission of Jesus (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Essential OfferingPEACE: An Invitation to Commune | Speaker Event with Pastor Tim Keller |
Additional Resources

EXAMINE – We invite Jesus to Examine us daily through prayer and the reading of God’s word (John 15:5).
Essential OfferingPEACE: An Invitation to Examine | Speaker Event with Therapist and Author Diane Langberg |
Additional Resources
Pass the PEACE: Volunteer with a HFNY Affiliate
Through the Practices of PEACE, we are opening up spaces in our lives to experience God’s grace. Part of that is fulfilling our call as Christians to love God and love our neighbors. To do that, we encourage everyone to “Pass the PEACE” by volunteering at one of these Hope For New York affiliates.
- Dream Center at the Wagner Houses - Deliver food and pray for residents in East Harlem on Fridays from 4:30 to 6 pm.
Volunteer | Give - Isaacs Houses/Holmes Towers - Deliver food and pray for residents near our new church building monthly on Saturdays from 2:30 to 4 pm.
Volunteer | Give - Young Life - Connect with and mentor teenagers on the Upper East Side.
Volunteer | Give - Safe Families - Offer hope and encouragement to overwhelmed families through virtual connections. Connect with families through phone, text, or video conferencing at least once a week for three months.
Volunteer | Give - The Bowery Mission - Meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness and hunger in the city. Service opportunities are available every day of the week, with 2 or 3–hour shifts between 7 am and 7 pm.
Volunteer | Give - The Open Door - Teach English weekly or become a conversation partner with adult immigrants monthly. In-person and online opportunities available.
Volunteer | Give