Easter Season Worship Services

Palm Sunday | Good Friday | Easter Sunday

We hope you'll invite friends, neighbors and coworkers to join us this Easter. Learn more about our worship service details below.

Palm Sunday

April 13 at 10:30am (classical) and 5pm (contemporary)
On Palm Sunday, we commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem when palm branches were laid before his path.

Children's Ministry programming: In addition to our regular children’s classes during the worship service, we will have a special family event called Journey to the Cross (register here) following the morning worship service. Come for an Easter experience for all ages; lunch will be served.

Good Friday

April 18 at 5:30pm (contemporary)
On Good Friday, we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.

All ages welcome. We will have nursery and preschool programming available for your little ones. Elementary-aged kids will remain in the service.

Easter Sunday

April 20 at 9am (classical), 11am (classical), and 5pm (contemporary)
On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the hope and power from the good news that he has conquered death. This year's services will feature special music, stories of transformed lives, an offering for the marginalized of our city, and a message sharing the hope of the resurrection. We hope you can join us, and we invite you to prayerfully consider who you might invite into this hope!

Children's Ministry classes for nursery, preschool, and Elementary children will be available.

You can stream the services by accessing our YouTube channel.

Easter Sacrificial Offering

The resurrection of Jesus is far more than a symbol of eternal hope — it is the very power of God released into the world to restore all that is broken in the material world around us. As we reflect upon Christ's lavish generosity this Easter season, we encourage you to support Hope for New York (HFNY), our partner for compassion and justice for decades, through our annual Easter Sacrificial Offering to provide for those in need. 100% of your giving will go directly to our HFNY Fund which enables HFNY affiliates to continue various programs in their neighborhoods.