Year-End Giving

2024 Year End Giving



Thank you for making a gift to Redeemer East Side!

To be considered tax-deductible for 2024, all gifts must be received by 11:59pm on 12-31-24 or postmarked December 31.

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Give Online

You can make a one-time year-end gift online.


If you need help, please contact Priscilla Dewing at: (917) 206-1427 or email [email protected].

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Stock or Mutual Funds

The market has done well in 2024, and you may want to consider donating appreciated securities: stock, mutual funds, bonds, ADRs (American Depository Receipts), and other 'property.' Donations of securities often receive a greater tax benefit than you would receive as compared to selling the appreciated securities and then donating cash. Donations of appreciated securities are recorded as a charitable gift at the appreciated amount. Also, by donating appreciated securities you can avoid recording a capital gain in the security (assuming the investment has appreciated and that you have held the asset for more than one year). You should check with a tax professional before initiating any transfer of securities. If you would like to donate securities you can initiate the transfer through your broker and request that the securities be transferred to:

East Side:
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Cred Acct No.: P72500 E21058004
DTC#: 0902
FCC Acct Name: Redeemer Presbyterian Church East Side

Please contact Priscilla Dewing: 917-206-1427 or [email protected] if you are considering this kind of gift so that we can understand how you would like this gift to be utilized and send you a tax receipt in a timely manner.

For gifts of securities, please note that it may take four to five business days from the time your broker initiates a stock transfer to Redeemer until the settlement date when the proceeds are credited to Redeemer's account and recognized as a gift.

Mail a Check

If you would like to mail a check(please don't send cash), you can find the address for the church you wish to send your check to below:

For checks meant for the Groundwork Campaign or another designated fund, you must write the fund name in the memo line of the check and designate Groundwork or the church's name with the specific fund like the "Redeemer East Side Diaconate" or "Redeemer East Side Disaster Relief Fund." Checks are recorded by the postmark date on the envelope:

Redeemer Presbyterian Church EAST SIDE
Attn: East Side Finance Dept.
150 W. 83rd St
New York, NY 10024

Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check. For gifts made by mail at year end, IRS regulations require that the postmark stamped on your envelope bear the same year as that for which you intend to receive credit for the gift. We are precluded by law from crediting in December any gift received by mail postmarked in January of the subsequent year.

To be considered tax-deductible for 2024, all gifts must be received by 11:59pm on 12-31-24 or postmarked December 31.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there donor fees involved with online giving that will reduce the amount of my gift?

No. The full amount of your gift will be tax deductible.

Are there administrative fees involved with online giving?

Only if the online gift is through credit or debit card. Redeemer pays 1.5% to 2.5% merchant fees for each credit or debit card gift. Fees are higher with AMEX as compared to Visa or Master Card. Please consider giving by electronic check by entering your account number and routing number when making larger gifts.

What should I know about IRS rules on year end tax deductible contributions for online gifts?

Echecks and credit card gifts that are made online and time stamped by 11:59pm on December 31st will be included in your tax deductible contribution statement for the year.

What are the IRS rules on year end tax deductible contributions for mailed checks?

Mailed checks which are postmarked by December 31 by the US Postal Service will be included in your tax deductible contribution statement for the year. Please note that IRS regulations require that checks sent through overnight carriers (such as UPS or FedEx) must be recorded on the date that the charity receives the check (rather than a postmarked date). So if you send a donation via UPS or FedEx (or any carrier other than the US Postal service), Redeemer must record that donation on the date the check is received, rather than the date the check is mailed.

What are the IRS regulations on year end tax deductible contributions for donated securities?

Gifts of marketable securities need to be received into our brokerage account by 4pm of the last business day of the year in order for the gift to be included in the tax deductible contribution statement for that year. Please keep in mind that these type of transfers can take several business days or even weeks to process. Redeemer must record the receipt of the securities on the day that the securities are visible and able to be traded in our brokerage account. Please consult with your tax accountant for further details on deductibility.

What about other methods of donating?

To learn more about other ways to give, click here.