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Groups and Collectives

Join Us in Community

We were created to be together—to enjoy one another, to share a common purpose, and to love genuinely. In a time marked by such isolation and loneliness, we can begin to doubt if this is kind of communion is possible. We might even wonder if we belong in NYC at all.

Here at Redeemer East Side, we believe this kind of community is available to us, here and now, because of the good news of Jesus Christ. God welcomes us into his family, and we invite you to experience the power of God’s family through the many ways we can be together here at RES.

The practices we keep, the community we are rooted in and the callings we live out in the city are a means of grace that form us in the character of Jesus.

Community Groups | Collectives
New to Christianity | Lead or Host a Group | FAQ

Community Groups

The primary way we facilitate deep connection is through Community Groups. These groups meet for worship, Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. Many groups also participate in monthly service projects or social events in place of one regular meeting. Within these small communities, you can expect to cultivate friendships, be transformed, and learn to live out the truth of the gospel where you live, work, and love.

With more than 30 Groups and Collectives meeting throughout the week, there's a place for you.


God welcomes us into his family, and we invite you to belong here at RES by taking a first step into community by attending Community Group (CG) Basics. By the end of this class, you will learn the purpose of community groups, get to know others who are also new to RES, and begin forming a brand new Community Group together.



A Collective is a group in which members connect over a common interest or hobby for the purpose of enjoyment and community. Current Collectives include:

Questioning Christianity Groups

Have you ever had questions about the Christian faith, wondered about its relevance or not sure how you relate to the church?

Questioning Christianity Groups are for those new to Christianity or exploring the faith. They are informal discussion groups specifically for people who are curious about Christianity. They provide a forum for people to openly and respectfully discuss foundational topics about Christianity and explore deep questions. Here you can process your questions with like-minded people and learn how the claims of Christianity relate to everyday living. Questioning Christianity Groups are geared toward people who are in process with the Christian faith. They are designed to be a respectful, moderated dialogue as they meet over the course of seven weeks.

Email [email protected] for more information.

Lead or Host a Group

If you are interested in leading a new Community Group or Collective, please fill out this form or learn more here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Joining Community

How many people are in a Community Group or Collective?
CGs and Collectives are generally made up of 6-12 people.

How often do these groups meet?
It depends on the group, but generally, 2-4 times monthly.

Are there virtual options?
Yes! There are groups that meet in person, virtual groups, and hybrid groups (a combination of the two).

Who leads the groups?
CGs and Collectives are led by trained leaders from our congregation who receive oversight and support from our pastoral staff.

Can I join a Questioning Christianity group if I’m a Christian?
We are grateful for your interest, but these groups are for people who are exploring Christianity. If you’re interested in exploring topics that might come up in this kind of group, we recommend reaching out to your CG or Collective leader.

Leading or hosting

I’m interested in leading a group. What’s expected?
How awesome! Community Group and Collective leaders should be regular Redeemer attendees who exhibit a passion for God, a compassion for people, and a teachable spirit. While prior experience in leading a small group is helpful, it is not a prerequisite.

As a leader, you aren’t expected to have all the answers. Your job is to facilitate discussion and foster authentic connections. Leaders create a space where people feel safe to share their lives with one another. Through regular training and check-ins with a member of our Formation Team, we will make sure you feel comfortable and equipped to lead. Learn more here.

Would I be leading alone?
We don’t require you to have a co-leader, but it can be helpful to have one to share leadership responsibilities with. We’ve found that co-leaders generally work best together when there is already an existing relationship between them, so we ask that leaders find their own co-leaders. Consider asking a friend, spouse, or another member of your current CG if they’d be interested in co-leading.

How do I become a leader?
Thank you for your interest! Please reach out to your current community group leader or a member of our staff and let them know of your interest. You’ll be asked to fill out this interest form and attend New Leader Training—a vision and skills training program.

I’m interested in hosting a group. What do I do?
Hosts are the heart of our community groups. They provide a warm and welcoming environment for all types of people. If you are interested in hosting, speak with your CG leader, or fill out this form.